This book is an extremely valuable addition to my library. It teaches alot about the technique as
well as sleights, vanishes, and even the history behind this branch of magic. I will never stop
reading this book probably, as I am constantly finding things that I didn't notice before and my
tricks and ability with coins are constantly growing. Notice that most of theses things require
alot of practice and dedication.
In the preface it says "There is and unfortunate trend
among those who dabble in magic, and even those who rate themselves as magicians, to avoid anything
that requires a little study adn practice and to rely on tricks that work themselves, tricks 'that
can be done five minutes after you receive them,' as we see advertised so often." This was said by
Jean Hugard. This book stands very true to this day on magical coin technique. It has not only
taught me many things about the magic, but it has also taught me that magic is about practise and
dedication, and there are a lot of problems with people and their easy selfworking tricks. This is
purely sleight of hand and magic technique. If this bothers you, then you aren't really a magician.
Period. Add to cart, now, and begin working on one of the best purchases you will get from penguin
magic. A classic.