this is an awsome trick! I saw it off of another website,but searched for it here because i new that
penguin had better prices plus free shipping, but the other site had a video which really got me to
buy it!I did altho, buy it from penguin magic and it is awsome! There are many different places were
you can reveal where thier chosen card is. It can be revelaed under the flap and as shown in the
pic, were "BICYCLE" usually is. I love it and it is a visual morphing of the pack, but i love it! I
STRONGLY suggest to get this, especially for the low price and free shipping! i recondmend this,
andits great becuase you don't have to carry around an extra gimmick with you. The gimmick is the
card case! So its great to keep on you becuase: 1-Its a card case that holds onto your cards. :) and
2 becuase it is so hard hitting that people are blown away by it. But also i suggest you getting a
metal card guard so if you carry this in your pocket, then it the box won't get beat up. But i love
it so much and i know you will too!
Magcially yours,