This DVD has a few nice routines, I found that the explanations presumed that you have some
proficiency with linking rings, which I do not (hence I bought a DVD to learn).
I found that the
routines seemed good but often the tricky moves were just skimmed over and just had me more confused
than anything really.
If you know a few things about the rings and your just after some ideas
for some routines then Im sure this will fulfill your needs but as for learning... I feel I'm going
to have to purchase another DVD that actually takes the time to teach me how to do the routine and
not just show me how it was done.
If your starting from scratch I'd suggest you try another DVD
because this one really didn't do it for me.
P.S Dai vernon was one of the masters of
magic, his routine is great but trying to learn it off this DVD is impossible, it was a case of "too
many cooks spoil the broth", I had no idea what was going on, there is this guy just badgering Dai
and interupting, the guy makes him look like a bumbling old man, really confusing to learn.