First off, let me say that the material within the performances on the mentalism DVD are great,
knock-em-dead! Next, I'll say that you'll be disappointed to know that some of the routines require
some type of gimmick, and most of the gimmicks aren't even explained, most notably the teleportation
envelope. I dropped hard earned money on a video to learn what's on it, not learn where to learn
what's on it (Lesley's Paramiracles book). Or Lesley's "punch-device" that works so well. Or his
working professional's marked deck...ugh. If I knew these were not explained within the video, I
would have spent the money on the book. Positives mixed in... his billet routine rocks, I use it all
the time. His other card routines work well for large audiences and close up, so there's a little
something for everyone. Still frustrated, though :o)~