6 Mentalism effects , 5 effects that fits me perfectly.
1.Dangerous Monte: A no
dangerous version of the Russian Roullete
You just smash 2 freely selected bags , the last one
contains a broken bottle
You need to invest money for this one, but is good
One hour is predicted. One hour is selected via a watch. The prediction matches
impromptu bold routine. Very sneaky in method. Not for everyone
3. Book Test 4 Dummies:
Mentalist and participant select 2 words are from books , both are the same!.
Again, very
direct method .Simple and powerful
4.Blindfoil: A new method for blindfold.
You can add this information in your existing Blindfold routine. Good idea
5.T.O.C: The
classic David Hoy´s routine, but with a rubik cube.
A lot of differents options. Very good
, I loved it
6.Bold Business: Drawing duplication with business cards.
My favorite. I love the simplicity and the options . I use this effect constantly
If you can , buy it.