Hi! This is your official PenguinMagic reviewer, B_Magic.
These DVD's are Daniel Garcia's
crowned jewel. You gotta get them. They are WELL worth it.
I will warn you, Daniel
Garcia's effects are not for the feint-of-heart. He will make you work, and work hard, to execute
many of the things that are in here. Some of the effects are downright difficult to do, in fact,
some of them I still struggle with after having these DVD's for years. However, there are some less
difficult effects to start out with, and the moves and sleights you learn here are invaluable. The
effects he shows you in these DVDs are miracle-status, and will have your audience dumbstruck!
With practice and patience these DVD's can be a HUGELY beneficial resource for you and will take
your magic to the next level. They are fun to watch as well, as Daniel is a genius and has a very
entertaining demeanor about him. You will enjoy these DVDs, so just buy them already!