Even though I had read about the small size of this "book", I was still disappointed with it's thin
size when it arrived. There are some funny lines in it, but many corny ones, and/or old lines that I
used to read in joke books when I was a kid. I would definitely refer to this as more of a pamphlet
than a book. It is thin, staple-bound, and the paper quality is poor. A few dollars less and this
would be a good deal. Let's put it this way, Bobo's Modern Coin Magic is considered the Bible of
coin technique, has priceless information, is 30 times thicker, has an actual glossy cover and is
perfect-bound as opposed to stapled...and it costs less.
I know it sounds like I hate this
"book", but I don't. There are some funny lines, from what I hear, Aldo is a very funny man. I just
wish the quality was better or the price was cheaper.