> Build Your Own Card Fountain For Under $20 by David Allen and Scott Francis - DVD

Build your own card fountain for closer to $35-$40 Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on June 29th, 2011
the title is certainly misleading.
Card fountains on the market start at around $60-$75.
After spending $20 on the DVD, and then the price of supplies you'll easily be up in the $50-$60 range if not more depending on if you have all the tools needed.... and it may be a better idea for some magicians to just buy a professionally made card fountain.
If you're like me and you prefer to build your own props then this DVD is great for you. It requires very little knowledge about drilling, wiring, and a little soldering.
The end result will not be as small or pretty as the ones you may buy on the market, but it will be yours... and that's something to be proud of.

The title is misleading though. Unless the parts required are much cheaper wherever this was filmed, there is no way to keep the price under $20. I already had all the tools, so those don't need to be calculated into the price... but by just buying the pieces you need to build the fountain yesterday, I'm already at $34.
Granted, you do get multiple pieces in some of the packages... perhaps they are saying the price to build it is under $20 if you average it out over a couple complete fountains. If you build just one it will not be that cheap.

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