Before I got this book, I did hypnosis and it only worked about 30% of the time. After I got it itt
started working about 90% of the time. This is a GREAT book and for what you get, very cheap. I
definately recommend it to all who are interested in hypnosis. It also gave me the confidence to be
bold enough to make up routines on the spot. Someone I had minutes before met, I recently decided
to make him forget his name, I also made his friend not be able to utter the words Ace of Spades.
He had so much difficulty saying it. One more thing, out of dozens, that I did was make a few
people I knew fall asleep. One in particular, I said when she would awake I would tell her what her
dream was and no matter what I said, it would feel familiar and would be correct. I woke her up and
without saying anything before, told her "her dream", which I just made up on the spot as I told her
what her dream was. Till this day, she believes whe genuinly dreamt about a lake with a bear on one
side and a carnival on the other, with a boat floating in the air above the lake. This book is
definately a masterpiece and should be purchased by those wanting to perform hypnosis.