> Ontology Project RED (Booklet and Deck) by Helder Guimaraes

Very, Very Disappointing Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on May 7th, 2012
The Ontology Project (OP) was somewhat of a let down. I honestly did not expect a FISM Champion to take this particular approach to perform these classic routines. The routines are very good and very close to producing miracles but none of them ends clean. They are very risky if performed close up, it would take an unbelievable stretch from the magician in both imagination and audience management to get a clean ending performing any of these routines close up; well, unless the audience is exteremely shy and polite. But if performed on a stage or parlor setup, you, as the magician, will get away with it and that is probably the reason why the OP got such a rave reviews from brand name magicians because they all are stage or parlor performers. Given that maybe from time to time they would invite an occasional volunteer on stage to be the eye of the audience that is still relatively easy to get away in comparison to performing for a circle of friends at a party on the coffee table. Had the OP included a few suggestions on how one can end clean, I would probably take that into consideration and give it a better rating than 2 stars.

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