I bought 3 decks. All 3 had an inward, end-for-end warp. This made faroing considerably difficult.
My search for a deck that facilitates a smooth faro-shuffle was my main reason for purchasing the
809s. Needless to say, I was disappointed.
Further, one of the decks was considerably
roughly cut--as if there were tiny burrs along the sides. White splotches were visible on the sides
of this deck, as well. The two other decks had no splotching and weren't "rough."
The paper
stock seems a bit softer than the 808s. I can't see any advantage-I think I prefer the slightly
stiffer stock.
The above drawbacks aside, the design is a nice alternative to the 808s,
and, incidentally, I ordered a set of (blue) Twilight cards--which are 809s--and they were not
warped. They faroed fine.