This DVD is not for the real workers (unless you're a real worker who can afford to pay thirty
dollars for the SAC move and Bertram Change). These moves are useful, and will open a few doors, but
that alone isn't (to me) worth the DVD. The material is largely rediculous, from Shot Caller (a
confusing version of Red hot Mama) to Card Vanishes (FILLER), the only things to be gained from it
are the SAC Move, the Bertram Change, and (if you're into it...) Zenneth's Alignment move. Most of
the tricks leave cleanup to do, and/or involve a setup in the first place. Some people really love
this DVD. You may be one of them. But I recommend anyone interested in practical, aesthetically
apealing magic and coherent psychology to look to Ed Marlo, Jay Sankey, Richard Kaufman, Paul
Harris, Larry Jennings, Allan Ackerman, Bill Malone, Daryl Martinez, David Harkey, Guy Hollingworth,
Simon Lovell, or for the most visual stuff around, Jeff Mcbride. Stealing Pips will give you some
food for thought, but it will not bring your magic to a higher level. Bottom line: if you're serious
about magic, save your money.