This product is great. The strength if the thread seems much stronger than the same thread by
Mesika. I have less breakages and it is extremely invisible. Some have mentioned that the dispenser
is crappy but that should in no way deter you from purchasing this stuff. The new hookup is
fantastic. It has allowed me to be prepared in any circumstance to create beautiful levitations
instantly and then, just like loops the set up is back in place and ready to go. I have come up with
a few new ideas on using this hookup method as I'm sure you will too with a bit of playing. Often
times whilst practicing with regular thread and hookups I find myself getting tangled and breaking
threads just in practice time let alone in real world performances. This thred has allowed me to
perform over and over again with one setup and there is no need for stealing back a ball of wax or
danger of loose thread getting caught up in clothing or jewelry. Not to mention its much cheaper
than other elastic thread and comes in a 200ft spool. I've made over 50 setups and loops and still
have ample thred left. I won't be buying any other elastic thread again. If you are sitting on the
fence jump off and purchase v2. You won't be disappointed.