I have only studied magic for a short time; just long enough to have learned what most magicians AND
audiences consider Quick and Powerful Illusions or "reputation makers".
Triumph is one of
those Classics that astonishes non-magicians...like me :)
I can't express enough how
thrilled I was to realize that I actually understood, and could follow, Oz on his teaching of
"Renegade Triumph". When it comes to new concepts, especially in an unfamiliar field like "magic",
i am a SSSsss...lll...oooo...wwww learner! I had expected at least 10 full replays and 20 "rewinds"
of Renegade segments to even begin to understand it. NOT SO!!!
Oz did great at presenting
the method and, thanks to Oz, I CAN DO IT!!
His beautiful assistant is a bit distracting
but...in a good way :)
Yesterday I watched the "Color Change Truimph" and...I am
understanding this one too!!! YAY TEAM!!!
Oz is a fun-to-watch teacher, easy to follow and
learn from, and has, with this DVD, provided a resource that can place a true Classic of magic
within the skill-set of even a beginner.
VERY very very well done!