I am disappointed with the quality of the deck.
They are not cut evenly with each other.
The edges look like they were just painted white.
They are too white. It doesnt look
natural at all; suspicious looking.
The white paint bled over the edges and look sloppy.
some edges, the white paint came off already.
The corners are not rounded the same as a
regular deck - meaning if you take one transparent card and put it in a regular deck, it will act
like a short card.
They are not scratch resistant. Fresh out of the box, some of the cards
already had significant scratches (i.e., not the result of casual handling).
I like the
idea behind ia transparent deck, but am surprised with the production quality.
You got caught thinking like a magician here. Of course you can make the difference between the phantom deck and a real deck of cards, you're a magician, you spend hours and hours handeling a deck. No laymen takes a deck and examines the borders for hours to "see how it looks". I thought that the deck looked suspicious at first, but after testing it on my audience, none EVER questionned anything. This is a killer. Highly recommended.
Be creative, make your own deck.I had seen it & didn't buy it , because of the materials are obvious, so I had made this deck by myself. It cost me 3$ only.the method is obvious the material is obvious too so... think out of the box, (be like the magician bizzaro)
Hassanx707, I'm interested to see your phantom deck. Good job on trying that.
Blah, great name by the way.
The Phantom Deck is incredible. JJ just visited South Africa and I bought another P.Deck and the sides are not white anymore... my wife said that the white Phantom deck looks more like a real deck than the "newer" version.
I perform the PD every week at the restaurant I work at (I use the white-sided deck) and noone bats an eyelid. This deck cost me $55 (including shipping) and I made that money back in 2 weeks thanks to the PD.
Worth every single cent!
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