I know the title is self contradictory, but bear with me. Omnilope is a fantastic utility tool, that
you can use for a million of incredible effects. The set comes with a dvd with very good ideas about
how to use the Omnilope, and some gimmicks. Not many gimmicks though - my copy had only 4 of them,
and you will "consume" one for every variant you create. If you like Omnilope you'll need to
purchase refills VERY soon.
In general, I love, love, LOVE Omnilope, and I used it several
times to very good effect. So why the low rating and the "bad use of your money" bit in the title?
Simple: if you want Omnilope, you do not need to purchase Omnilope, you simply need the dvd "Amazing
Psychic Feats Anyone Can Perform" by Sankey. That dvd explains TWELVE effects and, lo and behold,
one of them is Omnilope!! Sure there you only have the dvd, and you'll need to buy the gimmicks, but
as I said above you'll need to buy those anyway if you get Omnilope. This being the case, the
release of Omnilope as an independent item seems quite frankly like a gratuitous commercial move.
Get Omnilope only if you really really feel you need extra ideas on to use with the tool - the
Omnilope dvd does contain more handling suggestions than the "Amazing Psychic Feats". Otherwise, you
are better off spending $20 for the 12 tricks (including Omnilope) of "Amazing Psychic Feats" rather
than $25 for just Omnilope.