This dvd, as a standalone, is not going to prove to be all that useful. The first effect requires
you to be rigged up like a marionette puppet, but only after shopping for two watches that are hard
to find. Otherwise, you're doing some very serious improvising which certainly will cut into the
beauty of Tommy's performance. I don't find these routines to be "workers." They certainly don't
reset. You will, however, learn some great theory, a new handling of cups and balls, and a new Wild
Card routine. However, some of it is paired with obscure items that you certainly don't have. I
hate buying videos where I can't reasonably pick up all of the supplies or work from what I have on
my own.
However, if you're just a viewer, someone who wants to know how everything is
done, or how the best does it, this may be for you. I just wouldn't expect to be able to go out and
do these routines. I'll skip the other discs.