The material is without question marvelous. Unfortunately, for me, the explanations were a waste of
time since I could barely make out what Peter was talking about due to his British dialect. Having a
hearing loss certainly adds to the unintelligibility of this lecture, but I must promise myself to
never again download a lecture that I should have realized from the get go was going to be difficult
to understand.
I am still searching for a reference to a principle he mentions in the first
effect that he does. He mentions Annemanns Practical Mental Effects (according to him) and he names
the principle (sounds like Shler Haswin principle). Damned if I could understand what he said nor
could I find anything close to it in the books "effects" or "magic". Aside from this, the rate at
which he explains things makes it even more difficult to understand. I'm happy that the pdf of
"Isabella's Star" is included as most reviews say that it alone is worth the price of the lecture.
At least for me, this will have to be the saving grace.
As a fellow hearing loss sufferer, I would strongly echo any request for captioning/subtitles. Many of my DVD's have rubbish sound quality for hearing aid wearers. And no captioning seems to exist anywhere. Please, Magi everywhere, stick them on, how hard can it be?
His accent is Northern England, I would guess around Yorkshire. It's not tough for an Englishman but some words will get by.
Arthur Martello, I bet he would offer to translate the tough words, I would too, but I can't hear them! Us Englishmen are generally very helpful. As long as you don't call us Britishers!