I've never liked the linking rings simply because it seems like everyone does the same thing. "Melt"
allows you some freedom in your routine. There are some angle difficulties here, as anyone beyond 10
and 2 will not be amazed at what you're doing if you try the "slow melt" version. However, you can
perform this surrounded if you go with the quick link and unlink like most routines use.
Speaking of routines, this is an effect for the creative magician because there is no real
routine taught here to speak of. It's just basic handling and off you go on your own to tweak it as
you will. That being said, there are a ton of possibilities here and I'm definitely pleased with it
for the price. Two of the rings are examinable, and two aren't, but all can be shown completely on
all sides once the connection is made and before.
This isn't necessarily the best of all
choices for linking rings, but I love the fresh approach and am looking forward to tailoring this to
a routine.