> Mark Elsdon LIVE

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Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on February 7th, 2014
I've been going to Magic lectures for nearly 50 years now, this one tops them all. For me, this was the best I've ever seen. If you think you've seen it all, You're WRONG! I subscribe to "Penguin's All Access Pass" so this lecture only cost me $10.00 It acutually gives me the guilts, had I been there live, I would have tipped him at least a fifty.

Every effect taught is top shelf, nothing is held back. He even tips his hat on several of his effects that are still on the market. Four hours long, and still it leaves you wanting more.

It makes no difference what your interest is, you will learn a lot about what an audience wants and how to achieve maximum impact with the effects taught. There's some card work, but no knuckle busters.

This lecture is really a nice mix of Magic and Mentalism. Mark's work on TRULY Improptu Mental effects is worth the cost all by itself. He calls it:Conversation As Mentalism and has a book of the same name, sold here on Penguin. He teaches three effects from the book that just kill. I ordered the book imediatly following the lecture. Can't wait for it to arrive.

He has done some of the best work I've seen on the Equivoque, in my opinoin the best I've seen anywhere. Using his methods, even those in the know will be fooled badly. He is so natural, and after viewing this material, you will be to. It WILL change the way you work the Equivoque.

Overall, I can't say one bad thing about this lecture. I can't recomend this enough. You simply won't find a better value in all of Magic. I dought you'll ever see a negative review on this one. I can't wait for "Mark Elsdon Live Two"

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