Having watched this twice I have to say what a great set of effects Marc & Penguin have produced.
You can't argue with a live performance and you have to judge material on what the audience
experience. Do they know how it worked? Was the effect clear? Were they entertained? Marc succeeds
on every level and you can see it in the performances. To me this is a guy a want to learn from.
However, If you are looking for the latest fun gizmo to play with then avoid this product,
if you rarely perform and your presentation is lacking avoid this product, if your audience is
normally your webcam avoid this product, if the method means more to you than what your audience
experiences then avoid this product. If you are seeking methods you've never seen before avoid this
If however you perform, have good presentation skills and understand the power of
the impromptu performance then this is a fantastic buy. Voqued, Transmission and Carbon are worth
the price of the DVD alone, they could have been in a PDF for $50 and seasoned mentalists would buy
it and understand the power and simplicity in them. I'm not a fan of book tests but the book test
section covers way more than you see in the clip and he does discuss using two people which a
previous reviewer misunderstood.
The pop corn effect is different for sure but the reaction
is great, he says in the method area about it being linked to the Indian Fakirs, mind of matter etc
so to me it's not disjointed at all, sure it's not for everyone but most DVDs will have some things
that don't suit. The girls on the video had no issue with it being mixed within mentalism.
Direction / Air is tough for me to do, I haven't got it down yet but animation is powerful stuff
and this makes it have a purpose to divine a card or object much like a pendulum. It's eerie and
totally impromptu just need to perfect my xxxxxxxx technique.
My only minor criticism would
be I'd like to have seen more performances to learn how Marc adjusts to different scenarios but it's
a minor thing. Have two or three of these things in mind, walk through them a couple of times and
you'll have some great totally impromptu material. The methods are simple but they should be and
normally are with mentalism. It's how you use the method, present it and how they react to it that
It runs for two hours and is so well explained with 9 solid routines plus more
variations mentioned in the method section, I honestly cannot believe some said it was overpriced.
These secrets are worth much more if you perform, if not then any magic or mind reading purchase is
a waste. It's like buying golf clubs but never using them.