I had such high expectations for this, as Im sure most magicians will. However, the title is 100%
accurate with this DVD.
There are only 2-3 effects that are actually practical for real
world audiences. Everything else is only for the camera, period. Just because there is a new method
created for something, does not mean it is better, by a long shot! Please, please spend your money
elsewhere. I honestly have already listed this on ebay because it is absolutely worthless. I do not
come to Penguin to buy a horrible movie script, I want new and powerful close up magic. It is hard
for me to believe that Chris Mayhew and Ben Train believe that they have put out a quality product
with this DVD. I won't believe that
What are you talking about? There are only 1 routine in the movie that is angle sensitive, Wide Open Travellers, and the angles are covered well in the instructions.
Other than that, there is the snap change variation used in the colour changing deck, and the actually has HUGELY improved angles over a traditional snap change.
Have you actually even seen the movie? Lol.
Also, if you didn't want a movie, then why on earth would you get this movie?
All that taken from a guy who says all he wants is the next "newest best thing". So he can buy all the newest and supposed greatest. The rest of us will stick to what works. Remember people, no matter what. The newest greatest thing on the market, no matter how good will make you a magician overnight,.. You can' watch as many new awesome methods for anything you want, but if you don't know how to make it play, present it on your own, it'll always just be a "trick which anyone can do",.. for the rest of us, we spend time turning tricks into real magic moments for our audience. No matter how old the method may be. That's what makes everyone unique, and this guy can just follow the herd and do what everyone else is doing, probably worse than it's supposed to be done, an assumption made by his impatient sort of attitude. As another comment had mentioned, why did you buy this, you obviously didn't have enough sense or patience to read the description, or watch any trailers, don't blame your ignorance on the DVD, I don't personally own it, but I am going to for sure, people like yourself (who just don't get it, and can't appreciate it) Are what make me want to buy it even more!!
As Simon Lovell once said,.. be the head sheep, not a follower in the heard. mmmmahaha
Arthur "SkypeX The Stealth"