This a perfect close up Roulet type of effect. I think the DVD does a good job teaching the
handling, which by the way is very clever. If you follow the instructions the chances of getting
cut are slim. The one thing that I want to point out - the presentation in the description is
probably the worst way to present this - it turns the effect into a puzzle and will play flat. The
correct way to present this is in the second trailer- you can see the emotional roller coaster the
spectator goes through with each selection. This is a serious effect and needs to be played that
way to get maximum impact - if you slip this in between card tricks and sponge balls you are doing
it disservice. At the end of the DVD there are several performances - one of which is as written
above and you can see it falls flat with the audiance it is played as a joke and loses it's impact.
But that just me.
Was it worth the price absolutely.