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> Further Than Ever (Roberto Giobbi on Further Than That by Stewart James)

Math trick?!!......... Rubbish!!! Report this review
Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 11th, 2014
This is my second review for this product.I keep hearing that many people think that lay people will construe this as a math trick. I've shown this to a few hundred lay persons, not one has attributed this to any math. I think largely because in my presentation I constantly employ false shuffles and cuts the whole time I patter. What I have found, as mentioned in my other review, is that with a good presentation specs attribute this piece of wonder to superior card handling skills. As Magicians sometimes I think we tend to over think our fears about an effect.(Causing us to run, when we ain't being chased.)While I certainly understand how a Magi could come to this conclusion, because after all IT IS a math trick. If presented well, however, its just not how lay people perceive it, I assure you....,now go forth and foolem' !!

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