If you already have Fadeout or Colossal Blizzard, then you don't need to buy this. It alot similar
to Fadeout but you only get to throw in mentalism kick in which I'm not a big fan of mentalism but
my opinion, I think it pretty cool but Colossal Blizzard is whole lot better than this one and more
fun to do. I got this for 50 percent off because I want some new gimmick deck but it not special or
unique as I hope it will be. However, this is good for beginner and doesn't take much work. Deck
require little sleight of hand and good crowd control skill.
Chris, I'm hoping that you're from another country. If you are, then your writing is quite acceptable. If not (and your name doesn't seem to be foreign), please go back to school and learn english before you do any more magic. You'll be much happier in the long run. Your spelling is pretty good, though.
Jon is right. If English isn't your first language, then you're doing just fine. But if you were born in the States, and speak English, magic shouldn't be your concern.
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