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> Inscrutable (2 DVD set) by Joe Barry

Mr. Barry is amazing. Report this review
Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on August 14th, 2014
So, my gal pal bought me both sets of his magic at the same time. After looking through this and Inscrutable 2, I find his work mind blowing.

Allow me to start by saying, I'm very much into this style of magic. I've been a David Berglas fan boy, and this fits the style of card magic I perform. Joe's magic seems effortless and that is something I strive for.

Disc one is by far my favorite. Rainman went directly into my card work along with the Predictions. I already did a type of spread force, but it was nice to see how another magician uses it. overall I give this disc a 8/10

Disc 2 has a utility peek I use A LOT. LLL is the gem on this DVD. I liked the other routines, but I find myself only using that peek out of all the material. I give this a 7/10

In my opinion as a card worker, there are two types of card magic: effortless and skilled. I loved skilled card magicians, I think of myself as one, but when I'm trying to entertain audiences I try to make it seem effortless. You would never find me doing Dan and Dave style magic at a paying gig. I love Dan and Dave's work, but I don't think audiences would appreciate in real world performances. I think Eric Mead made some great points on this debate, but I digress.

My point is that this material looks effortless, thus more magical. I use this material in my routines and get paid to do so. I give this dvd set a 9/10. I love this style, his work, and the routines.

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