The book is small and slim because it teaches you no sleights. He refers to books to get slights but
some books are costly or it's out of print. This is unfair, how can he assume everyone is a card
expert. Forces unseen, one of the hardest magic books ever at least teach you slights. Very wrong
and unprofessional. It's ashamed this could of been an amazing book, but seriously nvr assume
everyone knows every slight or has every magic book in their library, have a separate section
showing the sleight.
It is not necessary to do the exact sleights referred to by Denis. He simply says "I'm using that sleight" (for example the convincing control from "forces unseen"). But You Can basically substitute any control to the bottom that's in your arsenal. On the contrary, I think it's very professional of Denis not to teach other people's inventions. But therefore, HCM2 is not a beginner's book, as it expects you to know a certain repertoire of sleights. All in all, I think it's fantastic!
He should refer to books than 90% of people have like rrtcm, card college, expert at the card table, ect.
Not some book that is out of print. It is a good book but It is ok and prefessional to teach a sleight but than give to credit to the creator or ask his permission first. Any book is ok for beginners or intermediate as long as they are willing to practice. Just please teach some sleights. Most card lovers like learning a new sleight other than just some tricks.
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