Hi guys,
I don't wrote any review normally but this is one of the best lecture i ever watch and
every penny spend on it completly worth it.
John doesn't teach you just tricks to amaze your
friends or your audiance but he goes deeply in the why and how all things work.
He speaks about
misdirection in detail (body language, on and off beat, the position of the eyes etc)
In fact
actually when i watch a lecture i pley with my toys as Paul Daniels says but this time my attention
was close to the screen and my hear are wide open.
i don't understand why John or Dan didn't
mention the carney 2013 at http://www.carneymagic.com/store_carney2013.html if you whant to have
more detail in go to check it. it's woth it too.
You have some great tricks to in this lecture,
two fix to me and they are the Leipzig card trick and the coin stuff.
if you don't like the
tricks please give you a favour apply what he says and your magic will be so much butter...
Thank you John to share those principle and great magic, Thnak you Dan for your participation
and Thank you to all the staff of penguin magic who make this wonderfull lecture possible!
Ps: i'm a french guy so forgive me if my english was not so good.