I am thankful to be one of the first people to recieve this lecture and man oh man is this thing
packed full of goodies. It starts off with Rick in his kitchen showing you a great party trick with
a bag of doritos that will amaze any one. He then gos into non-card and non-coin magic which I love
to perform. He then shows you behind the scenes peeks of his TV show Wizard Wars. And Im glad to say
the sneak peeks did not disappoint. He also go's over a bit and restored card you can do with a
borrowed deck which looks insane. As well as other card and coin magic tricks. He then shows you his
performance at Jeff Mcbride's Wonderground and talks about what he did well and what he did not so
well on.
Over all this lecture is a great change from the whole p3 studio lecture and is great
for beginners and advanced magicians alike. BRAVO RICK.