Those who are familiar with Jay Sankey know one thing, he is extremely talented and can make the
hardest things look easy. This reflects sometimes into his marketed items. You buy it and never
perform it because of a particular move that is too hard to confidently pull off. This trick is not
one of those. There is a common slight needed for 'Key Deposit'as it's not self-working, but it is
one of the more easy slights, plus if you don't know it you need to learn it anyway. You'll have it
down in no time (though practice does make perfect). There are no gimmicks parse, there is an extra
but nothing has any secret moving parts and you end clean. The motions during the routine are
comfortable, natural looking, and logical. The secret move happens at a perfect time. I love this
purchase and highly recommend it. If Jay had come out with this many moons ago, before his
repertoire grew so massive, this trick would probably be going down in the annals as one of his