Sometimes I wish that I hadn't gone into the world of understanding what goes on behind the magic. I
want to go back to experiencing the reactions that I see from the other side. (Matrix moment)
I wanted to tryout Return flight on a group at a friend's house. I just finished doing a little
magic for my non profit( they asked me to do something for them. This girl to
the side was on the phone the whole time talking up a storm until I got to the card under the box
portion. She hung up the phone and started flipping out asking, "What happen how did you do that"?
So when I got to the second half, I let her push the card inside the box. At the end when
she saw that it went into the other pile, she dropped her phone and I caught it mid air right before
it hit the ground.
She didn't even relies that she dropped her phone. She wanted to take a
picture of me and went crazy when she saw that I was now holding her phone.
Great night.