> Waynes Exchange by Wayne Dobson

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Verified buyer Pro Privacy ON (login to see reviewer names) on July 5th, 2015
I love Wayne Dobson. I love what he does. But this is a total misfire. I'll say this: If you've got a comedy act, and based on the demo put forth you conclude this will be a perfect addition to said act. i guarantee your act isn't as funny as you perhaps hope.

I know the curtain is pulled back for me when it comes to comedy. I'm jaded. I get it. So take this all with a grain of salt: I perform most my non corporate shows in a town where you can throw a rock and hit 50 comedy theaters and 70 improvisational venues. Places with fresh voices and original points of view. Given that, I can't imagine a scenario where I would attempt this without apologizing before during and after. Make no mistake I'm not above goofy, absurd, even moronic material. I love it. As long as it's in service of something and has a semblance of logic (even absurd logic) As written and performed this is not only illogical, it's anticlimactic, predictable, repetitive, and worst of all, antithetical to my understanding of this art.

I'm also gobsmacked at the arrogance of the creators. Are they REALLY under the impression they invented the "wacky misunderstanding" storytelling device? I'm pretty sure that tired premise platued midway through the first season of "Three's Company."

Are you ok with a paper thin sitcom plot where 2 dimensional characters deliver the same weathered joke ad nauseam. All the while forcing their scene parters to regurgitate one word payoffs to set up lines no one would ever say? If so this is for you.

To be fair: A lot of it suffers in the presentation. (and I know all involved are MUCH better) I could see how this premise could work with a lot of script doctoring and a 180 redirect of the performance. A performer with seasoned acting chops playing it totally straight might pull it off. I could see a performer slowing starting to stutter and stammering his way through his normally foolproof patter. Frazzled at first, but inching ever closer to a nervous breakdown with each utterance. All (of course) without the slightest idea anything funny is going on. Certainly without pooching the joke (such as it is) right out of the gate and NEVER mugging to the audience as if to say "look how clever all this is?" The second the performer does a take, winks, or shows even a twinkle of insincerity, it's sunk. Also it doesn't seem to occur to anything that the instant he writes "sex" on the card everyone is going to know where it's going. The bit is over. The effect is over. Not a person in that (or ANY crowd ever) thinks she's thinking about sex from that moment on. So they are looking for the twist that never comes. You owe them a lot more than "eat, and I knew it all along!" don't you think? That's not a payoff, it's a blowoff.

As presented it's a soulless, witless, unispired mess. (and I am the idiot that fought this sight unseen) Boring at best. Misogynistic at worst. And make no mistake, that's what this is. A performer takes a (willing) female volunteer and turns her into the butt of his non-joke. All while crawling at a snails pace toward an ending the audience arrived at long ago. Some may be holding out hope a surprise ending. I guess "that was it?" is a kind of surprise.

Full disclosure, I bought this sight unseen. I'm an idiot and I deserve what I get.

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Apr 22nd 2016 2:49am
It appears that this purchase has invoked a flurry of dialect that you wanted to share with everyone and get off your chest; I hope you feel better.
I think you need to understand that the effect you purchased was not performed by the originator (Wayne) .Instead it was performed by someone who needed more understanding of the effect if I am honest. If you listen to the demo carefully you can hear Wayne trying to help the performer out with the Questions !

Wayne would have performed it and nailed it ..he would have no - one left feeling awkward by the time it was over, believe me.

Wayne didn't perform it because he is affected with M.S a very unforgiving disease. It doesn't however impact his cognitive abilities and if you took the time to have a look on YouTube for Wayne's Royal Variety Performance using nothing more than 2 sponge balls you would realise that within the script and methodology of Exchange effect you have purchased lays a genius with which you have yet to comprehend.


If this is not for you ....that's ok .....but those that know what Wayne is all about will know what they can do with it.
Comedic timing and wit need years of practice and some people are just born like that...if your not then work at it........

As for me as soon as I saw this effect I thought WOW ! It inspired me to take the effect even further. I contacted Wayne and asked if he would mind me using an element of the effect for mine. He kindly said not at all as long he was credited. Fair Play !

Wayne now not only has EXCHANGE but also has UK exclusivity for the retail of 50 Shades Blue which is a Book test I had been working on for Adult Audiences using an un-gimmicked 50 Shades of Grey set and a kicker ending !

Its a similar premise but completely different angle and method of delivery.

The prediction of the Word chosen seems to be incorrect however your spectator says it is correct ?

No switching of this predicted word at all ; go figure that out !

A nice pack small play big item which can be performed for a Man or Woman; Close up or Stage.

If you contact Wayne through his website I am sure he will sort one out for you; PDF includes weblinks and Youtube DEMO.


Thanks for your time .........Nic_Holson

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Aug 17th 2016 11:58pm
After reading the negative review I had to jump out of my seat, sign in and respond. I bought this effect. Started doing it to such HUGE success that I would have paid a lot more money to Wayne to make it mine and have it not released to the public. I have now performed it over a few thousand times and I have grown it to a point where it always takes down the house in a funny and risque way but under my control as to how far I want to bring it each event. The ending always gets oohs ahhs and gasps from the crowd. To me ... This effect is a 10 to a comedian magician whom knows how to utilize it for the right audiences.


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Jul 30th 2018 6:16am
I think the original reviewer made some valid points. The performance in the video is not strong, and Wayne's interruptions don't help one bit. I have no doubt this could be comedy gold, which is why I have one. But it could also be crass and exploitative. It is all down to the performer. They should have spent a bit more time planning before shooting the video.

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