I agree, John - Mr Capehart is unaccustomed and unversed in educating others. He is a show man/entertainer/magician and sooooo good at these; at teaching and/or educating?..... sooooo miserly, feint, diminished and - sometimes - down-right self-righteous. And, he is consistent ..he has a consistent and developed view of himself as a showman/entertainer for audiences of spectators and on-lookers; and a consistent impoverished understanding of audiences of learners, such as learners who purchase Penguin Magic dvds in order to learn, better understand, develop their various roles as show-people/entertainers/magicians. Mr Capehart has not developed as a teacher of any group of people other than spectators, on-lookers and audience members. Still and all, it IS possible to learn by looking and on this score there is not much to see nor listen to because, like many modern magicians who sell dvds of their work, he hever makes his DVDs for traine/learner magicians !!
By the way, approx. 85% of this dvd is devoted to his presentations and observvations about how and why he perfroms 'Coins Across', 'Continuous coins', 'One in the hand/2 in the pocket' and 'Total (coin) Vanish. The Miser's Dream is just 15% of what is shown.