This is one of these things that proves that you don't need to spend a lot of money to figure out
which hand the coin is in. Without giving anything away in a public forum, the problem with these
coin-in-hand techniques has always been one of disguising the process. This is a fantastic
technique, though not quite as good as Mark Elsdon's Tequila Hustler. But that doesn't diminish
MANOEDA's effectiveness. In fact, I use the two together. Tequila is great for three spectators
because it's just left hand or right hand. I use Manoeda for the fourth spectator because it's a
one in three shot--left hand, right hand, or in the spectator's pocket. You get all four
spectators' selections correct, and you can tell the crowd that you just hit it with about a 4%
chance of success. That's a nice opener for anyone's stage routine.