I have never gotten better reactions then with the effects in this routine. For those that say it
doesn't work close up, well, they are only half right. At best most effects can be used as close as
2-3ft away from the spectators with only a few effects needing to be under the right conditions. The
only "complaints" (and I use that word lightly) are the deck being reverse of what shin uses in the
Tutorial (just don't make the gimmicks until you know the method. The deck Shin uses turns from blue
to red, the one you get will turn from red to blue. Also the list of materials is extensive, Rubber
cement,super glue, xacto knife,spray adhesive and glue sticks (Trust me buy them before you get the
product). There is also the requirement of two items which I'm not sure I can mention, but one is
only online and requires international shipping and the other is fairly easy to obtain but still
costs money. To buy the last two items expect to spend around $30 if you live in the US.