I confess I had never heard of Michel until he lectured at the Magic Circle in the UK. That lecture
inspired me to buy this lecture - despite the fact I had already bought his lecture notes!
Michel's magic is the type I like best, where the tricks are not knucklebusters, not overly
angle sensitive, mostly at chest height, it fits in a small bag.
The lecture is a mix of
stage and close up and has some moments of genius.
Sometimes genius is "why didn't I
think of that - that's brilliant". It is simple AFTER someone else has pointed it out. They
thought of it - and it's genius.
Not to be overlooked are some general performance tips and
some interesting ideas for the use of a table in walkabout situations. I can see that while I will
often not use a table in walkaround - sometimes I now might.
So I recommend this lecture
- there are card tricks as someone mentioned but to call it all card tricks is, I think, unfair.
Magic is often called "a real worker" in magic blurbs. Michel's stuff is genuinely for real
workers, real world, nice reset (where required) and something new for everyone.
It is
great that Michel is sharing his work. Thank you Michel.