Another great little fun trick for your fans. I think that there is no secret as to what is
happening here. Well at least I know what the effect was before I bought it. But I bought the effect
because of the quality and workmanship of the trick itself. So if you think you know how this is
done and want to create your own, you better be pretty good at it. I mean I know what I'm doing and
it's still frekin' every time I do it.
You could add this trick to your stage show. It's
not really for supper close up work but I guess it could be if you're really good at crowd control.
Don't get me wrong, it's great in front of a few people but maybe not so on a one and one with your
cousin. LOL. I am using it to kind of make fun of illusionists that make bigger than life objects
vanish. I mean, COME ON, you're going to make the Statue of Liberty Vanish in front of your fan's
eyes. I'm sure that you could figure out a great stage show just off of the idea to your audience
that you were going to make the Statue vanish tonight on this stage. Get it. And you're not David
Copperfield. How cool is that. LOL
There is a little setup but I didn't take stars away for
it but if your a table hopper you're not going to go from one table to another. Unless you by
several of these cards ready. But to be fair the reset is very fast. I've had longer resets with
card tricks.
I recommend this trick, if for no other reason, because it is so frekin'
cool. But to be fair, I probably won't perform this trick as much as my other ones because, to be
honest, it was a bit expensive and I don't want to wear it out. This coming from a man that goes
though a ton of card decks each month. Maybe they will offer it at a cheaper price to Magicians
that need to buy it again. I'd love to own 10 of them. Maybe they will start making them with other
landmarks vanishing. COOL
Knowing what I bought now, I'd easily buy it again. I hope that
helps someone out there.
The Magic Doc