Firstly, looking at the trailer this trick looks awesome. However after visiting my magic club and
discussing this with a very accomplished magician as I like to think I am as well we were both a
little disappointed. Whatever the teaching states you rely on equivoque 75% of the time whatever
patter you like to portray. Whilst I have a fantastic approach to this I learnt from Marc Spelman
people are not stupid and will occasionally question this.
Secondly there is a massive move in
this which is angle sensitive. This is not an easy move to pull off cleanly surrounded and we have
had a pretty large debate about this at our club where we have many MC members. Magic Balay does
teach the effect well but I think I have cleaner and better effects that I can rely on.
Just my
opinion and one other person I know and obviously this has received 5 star reviews so it cant be all
bad for some people.