I guess when you first receive this the mechanics of it seem strange,well I mean there is a touch of
work to do and the story must fit the timing and for some of the hand work the crowd is looking at
you and not that close attention to the moves. But it plays big. Its not that difficult to do and if
needed to you can do it a few times (my thoughts are not more than 3 to the same crowd). With a few
small changes and story telling you can get away with it.I don't like repeating a trick such as this
too many times to people but the reactions are there. Again and its not a criticism if you had a few
different cards and mixed them in while taking others out you would blow the everyone away. For
this you just have to see the trick and think a few extra cards changed around would have made this
perfect..but I am still giving it 5 stars. Outcomes are the same that's why I would like a few
different cards to screw with everybody's minds.A really great idea..PS If the creators release
version 2 please guys put a few more cards in.