This card trick is almost self working and it builds itself to a great reaction from the spectators
(best if you have at least 2 like in the video). It requires no memorization, you can use a borrowed
deck and there is no force - the spectator gets a free choice. The note card that John pulls out of
his pocket is the only other prop you need. You can construct your own or use one of the 2 PDF's
that you also get with the trick...just print it and you are ready to go. As for the utility move
that John teaches, its very cleaver and requires some slight handling/practice and once you get it
down, the move can be used in many other card routines. The video is about 24 minutes long and he
covers/teaches every detail. You will not be disappointed with this purchase, like I said, it's
almost self working and packs a great punch at the will have people going for a state of
confusion to amazement in a matter of seconds.