SHADOW SPLITTER is ALOT of fun!! Such an incredible piece of magic that requires minimal sleight of
hand for an actual believable routine. The gimmick provided is unique, clever and fascinating. Such
wonderful craftsmanship went into the creation of this crazy cool device. I was practicing a move I
saw Rick Lax perform on his tutorial (who is, by the way, "bleeping" hilarious!) and as I was doing
it I hadn't realized my fiance' was watching me from the stairs. All I heard from behind me was
"HOLY (insert expletive)!!" And I turned around to see her eyes bugging out as she was watching me.
"THAT'S FRIGGIN AMAZING!" she declared ... which coming from a woman has witnessed me perform
thousands upon thousands of card tricks and the like is an impressive statement all on it's own.
MAJOR KUDOS, Hui Zheng!! Thanks!