I love this fast visual trick and once again Rick as always does such a great job of explaining it
and adding useful tips. To move the trick from a great close visual trick to an even more hands-on
closeup trick, I have added the following. In closeup situations the audience always asks things
like are those real??? As a convincer, if you keep a firm grip on the front and back of one of the
bills in the fan, you can easily take one out of the fan and show the front and back and then return
it to the fan. For even more astonishment, I place a real $100 bill second to last in the stack.
The real bill will not flash when you display the paper looking display and when you change them all
to $100 bills in the fan if an audience member ask if they are real, you can take out the real $100
bill to hand to them for very close inspection. With these additions, I get even more of a reaction
from my audience. I hope others find these additions useful to their performance.