I'm the idiot here. What was I thinking buying from Sansminds, granted they do come out with some
very amazing effects....those are always preceded by a ton of garbage. This is no exception. The ad
copy is incorrect, because it says gimmick included....when actually only one part of the stuff
required to make the gimmick is included, which by the way is different from what they use in the
video. All in all this requires wrecking a bill for an effect that is terribly angly and unnatural
to handle. It can be done but you'll have to move quickly through the entire process so that no one
gets a good look at anything. I made this up right away only to take it back apart so I could
restore my bill because I knew I'd never be foolish enough to perform this in front of
anyone....damn...another costly lesson thanks to sansminds. I'm disappointed in myself