This is brilliant.
My first concern was how much this could be similar to Luke Jermay's
method (I knew a good amount of things on the subject before that). I wasn't sure if I could add a
lot to what I know. If you also have this concern, I can confidently say that you MUST have this.
Their ways of doing things are very different and there are things here I'm quite sure you won't
find anywhere in the market. Both of them rely a lot on psychology but there's a difference about
what is bold and what is subtle. Each have their own strengths. I don't want to repeat what was said
and I don't want to go in deeper details:
Method 1 - This is the heaviest method. The one
posted by Drew. There are a lot of convincers here and pretty much everything can be signed,
including the prediction itself. It's quite "laboratory conditions".
Method 2 - This one
relies more on psychology than in anything else.
Method 3 - A method with a little
something most of us will have.
Method 4 - A method with a gimmick you have to make.
One of those methods requires you to do something most of the other methods require... and the
other 3 methods don't. The psychology here (as you would expect from Banachek) is impressive.
There's also a little DR explained for having something that cannot be signed to actually be
"signed". I'll definitely remember it if I need (a real fooler). Personally, I intend to mix things
from methods 1 and 2... but you could add ideas here to anything you want/need/know.
project will pretty much open your eyes and give you tools to customize a lot to yourself... it's
top notch material from the world's leading mentalist, what would you expect?