Being propless is a big advantage, but it also have even bigger disadvantages (way bigger).
First of all, is not so simple as TH and therefore (as pointed by Mark himself) is not ideal for
every audience (the ideal would be intelligent, sober non-aggressive people). TH don't have this
problem. I can frame even drunk people in TH with no problem (I've done so). The "simple" also goes
to the performer... you'll use more of your rational skills here.
Also, the structure is
more limited... I can do TH with 20 people using themselves as marks for their answers, the same
cannot/should not be done with SO. Ideally SO is to be done with 5 people. 6 or 7 need one more
question... etc.
Next comes the price. When you think of advantages and compare the price
of TH and SO, well, that's 3 reasons why it lost 3 stars to me. I had high expectations after TH,
but since I already know a lot of staff about this subject, I was not as impressed (Ring Of Truth by
Banacheck striked me imeadiatly when reading it and was not credited). I think Mark came to similar
conclusions through different inspirations but it was not a an original solution to me, it was a
reframe of something that already exists.
Another point that annoys me is the possibility
of presentation and the power of the effect. TH can be much more impressive in terms of chances. If
I do SO with 5 people, that's 1 chance in 5 to get everything right. If I do TH with 5 people,
that's 1 chance in 32 to get everything right (50% for every person). Sure, the chances of SO can be
increased if you add information to what they hold, but the same can be done exponentially in TH.
There are more limitations in SO. Every person must know the other roles... this generates
the need of random questions to disguise the method when you're chasing, otherwise it will look like
a logic puzzle. In my opinion SO cannot be compared to TH. I don't mind paying a lot for a single
trick, as sometimes it is absolutely worth it. But this time it was not the case. Being a huge fan
of propless mentalism and logic puzzles, I must be more careful next time. Mark, you let me down on
this one.