This was an interesting lecture And from the other reviews posted somewhat a divided response.
noticed that the positive reviews focused on Mr. Anderson’s routining and subtleties. The negative
reviews seem to focus on the fact that much of the material is his take on fairly standard tricks.
And they seem to focus on just the first part of the lecture.
WARNING…If you are looking for
the newest tricks and gimmicks you won’t find them here.
You’ll be disappointed.
I want to
give a fairly detailed look at the lecture. It’s not for every taste obviously.
This way you‘ll
have a good idea of what you’re getting.
Mr Anderson even makes a joke that this lecture is
about “S*** you already have."
However if you are looking for subtleties and the THINKING
of a working pro about how to add more mystery and impact to your magic this lecture is a goldmine
of information.
Frankly this lecture was obviously designed for those of us that work in
“real-world” corporate and private parties. It’s not for the guys who just want some new tricks for
friends or “The Street.
Although the last half has several new tricks.
His touches and
thinking on the sponge balls is a good example. Some will just see it as “Standard Sponge Balls”.
Others will notice the actual PRESENTATION that adds energy to open a set. Why he opens a strolling
set with it. Then all the handling of the “PUT and TAKE” move to make it more natural. And subtlety
to put the dbl ball in the spectators hand. (And he’s right that too many magicians are too cozy
with it).
The thimble routine is quick and has some cool moves I hadn’t seen.
routining and moves (especially the ending move) turns the Mental Photography deck into a visual
killer. The classic SPOT CARD has the weak parts worked out. Literally no extra moves.
During the show for the laymen obviously loved Rick’s version of the Sandsational Rope. He then
shows some real fine points of handling.
His Coin Routine is not only entertaining but gets
rid of the constant “where’s the coin…Your wrong” aspect of so many similar presentations. An
adaptable concept.
The coin vanish is his and was published by Ammar.
Some other reviews
mention the nuances and structure of his Ambitious Card. Of course AC isn’t his but after performing
it for over 40 years the routine is. And it’s a lesson on how to make it entertaining.
Worth the
price of admission is his floating bill handling. Floating a bill is not new but his handling is
great. I hadn’t seen it done in the spectator’s hand before. And remember when he started doing it,
it was new. I can see this being a killer routine.
After these tricks Mr. Anderson pulls out
some of his more original material. Again his presentations are the original part. His Bear Routine
is certainly on original was to reveal a forced card.
As is his “WASHED DECK” A very funny
visual prop.
For Birthday Party guys he has a great Birthday-Card Trick and several marketing
And his Balloon Routine is obviously a real worker.
Oh yeah he has an attached PDF
that has some interesting thoughts on magic and character along with additional thoughts about the
tricks in the lecture and some done for you templates that could make you money at the right shows.
In all I found it to be a really good lecture that made me think about my handlings of the
tricks I already do. And some new tools to make my magic more entertaining.