It's a good fun trick however you are not going to be using these marked cards ( doubt I said too
much ) for much else besides the provided tricks. Lots of good fun here but it's not a big play
circle. Good quality on the cards as well.
Tad pricey for the package. But you gotta print
cards. Hope some replacement decks will be available at a discount for trick buyers.
use this!
Strongly disagree with this: The deck comes with some instructions for a few effects that *only* (or primarily) use the marking system, and Psenicka has a few more in a separate e-book, but that’s not the only use of these by a long shot. It’s not even the main way I use them. What makes them REALLY mind blowing is all the ways they can be used to enhance effects you already do. So, for instance, a version of “Here then There” where an indifferent card changes to the spectator’s *verbally* selected card in their hand, with the selected card apparently never in play previously. With a little thought, you’ll find a huge number of ways these can make strong sleight of hand effects enormously more powerful and impossible.