I gave this set the highest rating, because I can't think of a better source for beginning magicians
to start their new hobby or career. Nearly all of the tricks contained here are self working,
meaning no sleight of hand, just simple misdirection and memorizing the steps of each trick. There
are only a couple of exceptions, and even these can be mastered with a few days practice.
As for myself, I was looking for a refresher, just getting back to the basics of magic, before all
the gimmicks and fancy props. Jay gave new life to some old childhood favorites, and really inspired
me to dig out some of those old magic books from the sixties that have been gathering dust on my
shelves. There are some real gems in there that I'm seeing for the first time from a new
perspective, no longer the child looking for easy tricks, but now an experienced performer thinking
"How can I make this as strong as possible?" For my money I didn't get just the tricks shown here,
but a philosophy that will make my magic stronger, and make me a better magician. Well worth it,
whether you're a beginner, or an expert in need of humbling.