1. Handout Hank is a quick, humorous and magical effect. Quentin Reynolds' "5 Minutes with a Pocket
Handkerchief" is one of my go-to tricks. I'm going to incorporate Handout Hank into the beginning
of that routine.
2. Handout Hank is practical for walk-around, parlor or stage. Works for
children or adults, but the patter will have to be changed depending on the audience. No angle
problems, instantly resets. It does require a long-sleeved shirt or jacket. The shirt sleeves can
be rolled up a bit, if you like to perform that way.
3. There's a gimmick. It's practical
to use, requires no pocket space, and won't get in the way when you're performing other tricks.
It's an interesting variation on a gimmick that every magician's familiar with. I had never seen
this variation before. Puck gives a little history about it, with acknowledgement to the magician
who showed it to him.
4. You have to construct the gimmick, but it's quick to make and
requires minimal skill. The materials for the gimmick will cost maybe $5 at an office supply store.
As it happens, I already have all the materials in my house.
5. The instructional video is
short (15 minutes) and very well taught. Puck is an excellent teacher, very clear and well
organized. He walks you through every step of the performance and the construction of the gimmick.
6. The price is very reasonable, considering that this is a highly polished professional
routine, with excellent instruction from a leading magician.
7. If you like the effect as
shown in the demo, I recommend this trick highly.