Antonio Romero, last FISM invention award winner, shows us in this lecture his wide magic knowledge
adquired through the years performing stage and close up magic.
He opens with a fantastic and
improved version of the safety pin prediction on back envelope that will blow your mind and could
have easily fooled Pen and Teller as another version did.
Very remarcable approach to the coins
accross with a subtility pass that fools magicians if you blink just once.
Signed card travels
over and over to pocket to finally apprear in an impossible location and he also shows his clever
Romero change box invention.
The interview with Dan explores his other great inventions and
prices like his ingenious Hold out or his more recent and apparently innocent Super L bag a very
deceptive tool for magicians.
Arturo de Ascanio and Juan Tamariz were his mentors and that shows
in this lecture.